A practical guide to Afforestation, Reforestation and Revegetation/Restoration projects

In this 5-Part series we explore Afforestation, Reforestation and Revegetation/Restoration (ARR) as a pathway to effectively remove carbon emissions while combating biodiversity loss. Click the link below to receive an email allowing you to download the reports directly.

In our first report we focus on providing a high-level understanding of the essence of ARR for the everyday reader in a non-technical format. Here we introduce, defines, and explains ARR projects, as well as discusses their benefits, drawbacks, and risks. ARR projects are gaining popularity due to their ability to effectively sequester CO2 and combat climate change. They also offer economic, environmental, and social benefits. However, there are some challenges and risks associated with ARR projects, such as the high cost of implementation and increasing risk of reversal.

In our second report which contains Part 2 and Part 3 we delve deeper by investigating the economic viability of ARR projects, and explores interventions that can enhance the effectiveness and positive impact of ARR projects. The primary audience of this report are project developers looking to start or improve their ARR projects.

ARR projects require substantial financial resources, and the prices of carbon credits have remained relatively low so far. This makes it difficult to ensure a satisfactory financial return on investment. However, there are some strategies that can be used to maximise the efficiency of ARR projects and make them more economically viable.

Thorough planning, including location selection and policy compliance, is essential to maximize project success. Biodiversity impact can be enhanced through diverse tree species and landscape connectivity. Collaborating with experienced developers, engaging the community, implementing proper planting techniques, maintenance, and monitoring further increase positive impact.

Our third report which contains Part 4 and Part 5 is predominately focused on companies and buyers looking to partner or invest in Key Carbon. Part 4 elaborates on Key Carbon’s specific approach to ensuring the success of ARR projects. Key Carbon is committed to implementing ARR projects that deliver meaningful social, environmental, and climate benefits. We strive for transparency, accountability, and ongoing improvement in ARR practices. We also recognize the importance of clear oversight and policy safeguards to ensure the success of ARR projects.

Part 5 explains Key Carbon’s unique strategy to finding the best ARR investments. Key Carbon is –committed to funding successful ARR projects that offer strong returns, monetized through the VCM. Our investment policy reflects our commitment to funding ARR projects that deliver tangible benefits, including carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, and community engagement. We continuously evaluate and adapt our investment strategy to maximise the effectiveness and long- term sustainability of its ARR portfolio.